このブログについて - About this Blog

This blog is where I write what I want to write. I am interested in politics and economics, so they will be more focused on, but I sometimes write Diaries which nobody really cares. Blogs with labels written in Japanese are basically written in Japanese, and those with English labels are written in English.
Also, I am writing a Photo Blog as well. I would appreciate if you come and enjoy!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/3/11 U.S. Report Accuses China and Russia of Internet Spying (New York Times)

U.S. Report Accuses China and Russia of Internet Spying

As the title shows, the Untied States accuses China and Russia of internet spying.

According to the new intelligence assessment, "Both China and Russia hide behind the anonymity of proxy computers and dispersed routers in third countries to pilfer proprietary corporate information to accelerate their own economic development." (New York Times)

The report also warns that some allies of the United States are also spying the U.S. information of technology, economy, etc.

The information is assumed to by spied not only bu countries, but also by foreign companies and individuals.

The report was concluded with some recommendations, such as how openly information should be accessible for companies.

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