色々なことが起こる世の中に、色々な意見を持つ人々、そして色々な議論が生まれては消えて、あるいは消えずに長く残っていて・・・何が本当に良いことなんだろうと、自分の考えを綴る日記。There are many events happening in the world and many people with many different opinions, and many debates are born and disappear or are still controversial...What is Really Good Thing? I am writing my opinion from my perspective. Follow Me on Twitter
このブログについて - About this Blog
This blog is where I write what I want to write. I am interested in politics and economics, so they will be more focused on, but I sometimes write Diaries which nobody really cares. Blogs with labels written in Japanese are basically written in Japanese, and those with English labels are written in English.
あと、写真についてのブログもやってます。良かったら来て見てって下さい。Also, I am writing a Photo Blog as well. I would appreciate if you come and enjoy!
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