8/29/2012 Japanese and North Korean Officials Meet for Their First Talks in 4 Years
Japan and North Korea do not have diplomatic relationship. They discussed but finished without conclusion. Japan addressed its policy to the North's Kidnapping and nuclear program etc.
8/29/2012 Japan Strives to Go Nuclear-Free
The loss of stopping nuclear reactors would be 55.9 billion yen.The government is considering three options to reduce the country's dependence on nuclear power. By 2030, all reactors are to be shut down; by 2030, all reactors become 40+ years old. The three options are: 1. reducing the country's dependence on nuclear power to 20 to 25% of electrical needs by 2030, 2. cutting the segment to 15%, and 3. eliminating nuclear power entirely.
Power shortages are weighing on business, green house gas emissions are surging, and renewable energies such as wind and solar power remain small-scale, expensive, and unreliable, according to Keidanren lobbying group.
8/30/2012 In Police Shooting of Miners, South Africa Charges Miners
Two weeks ago (of this article) in Angola, the police opened fire and killed 34 out of 3,000 people who were engaging at the strike in platinum mine. Prosecutors brought charges surprisingly against miners (=strikers).
8/31/2012 Nonaligned Nations Back Iran’s Nuclear Bid, but Not Syria
NAM (Non-Alighned Movement) nations handed its host Iran a diplomatic victory. NAM nations are decreed support for the Iranian nuclear energy program and criticized the American-led attempt to isolate and punish Iran with unilateral economic sanctions. However, they did not mention about Syria.
9/1/2012 Syrian Rebels Say They Have Seized an Air Defense Post and Its Missiles
The opposition fighters in Syria had captured an air defense base, taken at least 16 soldiers captive, and seized weapons ammunition.
9/2/2012 Pakistani Blasphemy Case Shifts as Cleric Is Arrested
The Muslim cleric (牧師) prosecuted a Christian girl who had burned Muslim sacred documents for blasphemy (冒瀆). However, the case has turned to the opposite direction. One of the his (cleric's) colleagues went to the authorities and accused him of falsifying evidence of burned holy papers. Now, there's a possibility that he would get charged. This incident brought the world's attention to Pakistan's controversial blasphemy laws, which are criticized as a way to exploit and intimidate minorities.
9/2/2012 To Calm Israel, U.S. Offers Ways to Restrain Iran
With Israel openly debating whether to strike at Iran's nuclear facilities in the coming months, the Obama administration is moving ahead with a range of steps short of war that i hopes will forestall an Israeli attack, while forcing the Iranians to take more seriously negotiations that are all but stalemated. While many discussion are taking place in the US, some senior officials argue that Israel is trying to corner Mr. Obama into a military commitment.