このブログについて - About this Blog

This blog is where I write what I want to write. I am interested in politics and economics, so they will be more focused on, but I sometimes write Diaries which nobody really cares. Blogs with labels written in Japanese are basically written in Japanese, and those with English labels are written in English.
Also, I am writing a Photo Blog as well. I would appreciate if you come and enjoy!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

10/30/11 Political Shift Seen in Rally in Pakistan (New York Times)

Political Shift Seen in Rally in Pakistan

Islammabad, Pakistan.

An antigovernment ralley with more than 100,000 people was led by  Imran Khan on Sunday (10/30) evening.

"The rally represented what supporters and some political analysts said was Mr. Khan’s emergence as a serious challenger to the governing Pakistan Peoples Party and its longtime rival, the Pakistan Muslim League-N." (New York Times)

"The government is not required to call a general election until February 2013, but with a sinking economy, rising inflation, power struggles and terrorism taking a toll on the nation, opposition parties have begun pushing for an earlier date." (New York Times)

"Mr. Khan led 2,000 people in a protest outside the Parliament in Islamabad on Friday, opposing American drone strikes, and he reiterated his stance at the rally on Sunday." (New York Times)

Mr. Kahn said, “My message to America is that we will have friendship with you, but we will not accept any slavery,” he said. “We will help you in a respectable withdrawal of your troops from Afghanistan, but we will not launch a military operation in Pakistan for you.” (New York TImes)

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