TPP = Trans-Pacific Partnership.
I want to ask, "what does Japan really want to do?"
I think Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Noda is taking TPP as an opportunity to start negotiating with countries where Japan does not have EPA and FTA with. He says that he will protect what Japan is proud of and what has to be protected. However, TPP is basically an alliance of multiple countries aiming zero-tariff and free-trade, including workers as well as imported and exported products.
I somehow agree with Mr. Noda because he sounds like he is going to protect Japan's important products and will not eliminate all the tariffs. If he can do that, there would be no problem. And, maybe, only some good EPA and FTA will be left.
However, the problem is how strongly TPP can work to Japan. TPP consists of multiple member countries. Do the members have any power to influence Japan? Can Japan neglect if it is offered to eliminate tariffs of the products that Japan wants to protect with tariffs?
I think Mr. Noda's strategy itself is good, but it does not seem to be realistic. Can Japan REALLY do that? Is it possible?
I need to do more research to examine this problem.
The other point is TPP as a treaty preventing China's powerful growth. China cannot or may not be able to join TPP as long as it does not change its policy. I don't know much about China, but because China's economy is more like socialist kind of system, it does not fit the pact that seeks free trades: capitalism thought. Therefore, one perspective is that TPP makes a great large market on pacific area, pressuring China. Many countries are suffered from China's recent growth.
Again, I need to do more research on this. I should not write what I am not sure. But, this is what I'm thinking recently.
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This blog is where I write what I want to write. I am interested in politics and economics, so they will be more focused on, but I sometimes write Diaries which nobody really cares. Blogs with labels written in Japanese are basically written in Japanese, and those with English labels are written in English.
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