Not knowing is sometimes disadvantage. It is not right to have an opinion without knowing.'s may be right, I mean 'not wrong,' but it is not cool.
I didn't know much about the protest, Occupy Wall Street. One group in my school is protesting the decision of increasing tuition. One of my friends told me today that SUNY decided to increase tuition. SUNY stands for State University of New York. It is a group of public colleges and universities in New York. I heard that the tuition increases by $300 for in-state students and $600 for out-state students, and in four years, the tuition is going to be its 160%.
I am not sure where the source from, and I do not know what increasing to 160% is referring to. Actually, I was confused when the friend was telling me, but, at least, the tuition increases.
Occupy Wall Street protests have multiple reasons to protest and purposes to pursue. Based on one of the reasons, the school protesting group is protesting against SUNY: increase in tuition.
I met my other friends and talked about this. Our opinion is that it is good that schools repair buildings that should be repaired. However, we do not want the school to make new things for the future students with our money. I mean that if the school wants to cut its budget, it has to try so. It is not supposed to spend more money for new stuffs. It is supposed to provide good educations and to make the environment where more people can study. This is our opinion.
We do not pay for school to build new stuffs. Broken things have to be fixed, but the school does not need new things that do not equally help its students.
Schools now are cutting budgets for the stuffs that students want and spending money to things that students do not necessary need. This is not 'saving,' but is just 'shifting' money. My school is saving paper, water, electricity, etc, and to offer us more money? because it wants to have new, clear stuffs? because it wants to just get more money? No Way! Why is a public school benefiting? Why is it increasing its tuition? because of inflation? No. To cut budgets. Is it really cutting budgets? Maybe. BUT it is spending as have things that students are not desiring.
Actually, what motivated me to think about this is because of my feeling that I don't want to pay more money and that I don't want the tuition to increase. But, this became a good opportunity for me to start focusing on such protests. I have been unlikely focusing on motions of individuals or relatively small actors. Thanks, Occupy Wall Street.
色々なことが起こる世の中に、色々な意見を持つ人々、そして色々な議論が生まれては消えて、あるいは消えずに長く残っていて・・・何が本当に良いことなんだろうと、自分の考えを綴る日記。There are many events happening in the world and many people with many different opinions, and many debates are born and disappear or are still controversial...What is Really Good Thing? I am writing my opinion from my perspective. Follow Me on Twitter
このブログについて - About this Blog
This blog is where I write what I want to write. I am interested in politics and economics, so they will be more focused on, but I sometimes write Diaries which nobody really cares. Blogs with labels written in Japanese are basically written in Japanese, and those with English labels are written in English.
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