I have read an article about three American students who were arrested in Egypt. They were going to be released and freed. Another female journalist was also arrested, and she was released as well.
However, what happened to her when she was in detention? Polices touched her breasts and reach hands to her genital area. She does not remember how many hands were reaching her. She was surrounded by polices, and was sexually treated. Her detention was for 12 hours. How quickly do the polices begin such an action? She was transferred to military during the detention. Therefore, one can assume that her detention at the police was not long as 12 hours. Maybe 4 hours, 6 hours, 10 hours...I don't know. But, I think '12 hours' is short enough to claim my opinion.
Is it kind of a law to sexually treat arrested females? No way, but I don't know the reality.
Anyway, this is my astonishment. How quickly and easily can humans do this? The polices seem to be wild animals with costume.
色々なことが起こる世の中に、色々な意見を持つ人々、そして色々な議論が生まれては消えて、あるいは消えずに長く残っていて・・・何が本当に良いことなんだろうと、自分の考えを綴る日記。There are many events happening in the world and many people with many different opinions, and many debates are born and disappear or are still controversial...What is Really Good Thing? I am writing my opinion from my perspective. Follow Me on Twitter
このブログについて - About this Blog
This blog is where I write what I want to write. I am interested in politics and economics, so they will be more focused on, but I sometimes write Diaries which nobody really cares. Blogs with labels written in Japanese are basically written in Japanese, and those with English labels are written in English.
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