このブログについて - About this Blog

This blog is where I write what I want to write. I am interested in politics and economics, so they will be more focused on, but I sometimes write Diaries which nobody really cares. Blogs with labels written in Japanese are basically written in Japanese, and those with English labels are written in English.
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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Nuclear weapons and Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nuclear weapons and Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I should have a scholar's article hopefully and ideally, but this time, I use an article from Wikipedia. Wikipedia is very useful to have basic knowledge, but it is full of biases. This is what we should be careful about.

Anyway, my research this time is the relation between Israel and nuclear weapons.

I listened to a speech of an Israeli diplomat. He sounded like Israel has nuclear capability, but no nuclear weapons. I should be ashamed, but I didn't know that there is a possibility that Israel has nuclear weapons. This brought me to do some research.

According to Wikipedia, Israel is the sixth county that has developed nuclear weapons and one of the four countries that are claimed to have. In other words, Israel has not yet recognized by Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The four countries are India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel.

He says like Israel is working against Iranian nuclear weapon activity for peach, but what's the reality? Doesn't Israel really possess any nuclear weapon? It is not officially recognized that Israel has nuclear weapons, but Israel is one of the suspected countries.

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